My Services
I have worked with a variety of clients who are at different stages of their fertility journey, however, virtually ALL of my clients have been those who are soon to be undertaking fertility treatments (IVF, ICSI, PGS, FET), or who are within the midst of them already.
I suppose my name, The Embryologist Nutritionist, kind of gives it away!
I am in a unique position as I have 11 years of experience as a clinical embryologist, and I therefore can provide an insight that is second to none regarding the laboratory in's and out's, terminology etc. of an IVF lab!
Client's find that incredibly reassuring and helpful.​
If you're planning, or currently undertaking, a fertility treatment, you will have a specific timeline that you are working towards. Ideally, I would love to have at least 6 months working with a couple to ensure that we can focus on egg and sperm health as much as possible. With fertility treatments, however, the time available prior to treatment is usually going to be much shorter, and you therefore want to get appropriate support in place as quickly as possible.
It is for this reason that I have altered my package to be aimed particularly at those who are facing some time constraints. Perhaps it's:
those who are undertaking, or about to undertake, fertility treatment
those with a set timeframe for another reason.
And also ....
it's suitable for those who feel an age-related time pressure and don't want to waste any more time than necessary deciding on the initial avenues to investigate??
How do I work as a Nutritional Therapist?
Fertility is a WHOLE body process, also involving lifestyle and environment. It only makes sense, therefore, to ensure a holistic view is taken to really understand what is going on in your situation that may be leading to your health issues and fertility struggles. And I'm talking about BOTH of you here! It takes two to tango, and although things may appear to be ok on the surface, it's good to take a deep dive to make sure nothing is being missed with your partner as well.
I feel the best way to do this is by working with both of you as a couple.
The time needed for an egg to fully mature, and for a new batch of sperm to be produced, is around 3 months.
So, even though time may be of paramount importance to you, this is why my package is set for us to work together over an initial minimum period of 3 months. This also allows us to undertake the initial investigations and put personalised support in place in adequate time to support the quality of your sperm and eggs.
Sessions are carried out online, unless specifically requested otherwise.